Learn what kinds of different hangs to do, how long to hang for, and more! Enter your email for a FREE downloadable challenge! 💪🏼

30 Day Hang Challenge
Why hanging?
I did a hang everyday for 30 Days and here’s what happened…
⚡️ I showed up for myself for 30 Days in a SIMPLE way... and then it started to become a habit and a routine!
⚡️ Hanging decompresses the spine! I feel like I am standing taller, and I feel less pressure on my spine!
⚡️ Did you know... grip strength is actually a measure of overall health and longevity? Yes, you heard it here first, I'm helping you live longer! After 30 days, my grip strength got WAY better! It was tough at first and my hands hurt, but soon it felt like second nature!
⚡️ I started to bring friends with me to hang and join the journey!
⚡️ I realized that while although hanging was the goal of this challenge, the real win was that I was showing up for myself each day.
Start with habits that give you quick wins and it will change your life
30 Day Hang Challenge
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"I feel accomplished! I feel strong! I feel motivated! I feel more comfortable with the bar. Loved this challenge. This community is so encouraging- all around just a great experience. Thanks for doing this Angela."
- Crystal S.

"Feeling amazing!!! It was definitely a huge accomplishment for me to commit to this daily. Some days were easier than others. It gave a nice reflection for me to understand and get to know myself better at all levels (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) Physically my relationship to my body is transforming. It was never bad, now I am just more in aww and extremely grateful my body is agreeable to all this and responding positively. I loved all the different hanging. I’m feeling more balance in my energy, more stable in my body and way more connected to my physical strength and what I can do with that strength. Love the hanging, love your drills and workouts. Love my bar. So happy I found this community and you!
- Lalita T.
What's included?

Monthly Challenge
Simple, Quick and Effective 30 Day Challenge to keep you motivated !

Video Tutorials
Need a little help with your technique? I'll teach you exactly how to do each hang!

Community support
Joining the challenge unlocks my free community, where you can have accountability and support, and a place to post your daily progress!

"I really loved this challenge. 😊 the challenge and the community made me feel motivated. Thank you 😊 looking forward to the next challenge."
- Miriam R.

"Feel a bit taller (in my mind), i’m now that person just ‘hanging around’ in the gym (since every time i was there i would do the hang) and my bar at home is just too low haha. I’m gonna continue just hanging around!"
- Leontien B.

"I missed a few days but feel so much stronger! Still have a long way to go but am so excited!"
- Trisha M.

"I absolutely grew in 30 days! Confidence and strength! I loved each day! Kept me accountable! Thank you!!!"
- Jen M.

"So Good! Stronger. Ready for more! Hoping to continue to strengthen so i can get pull up!"
- Jenny P.

"it feels great, good training for my next obstacle-runs this year"
- Chris W.
Join the FREE hang challenge 👇🏼
Ready to hang with us? Drop your name and email below to unlock the free challenge!
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