You don’t need to be “confident” to start” 💪

Uncategorized May 14, 2024

In a world that often glorifies confidence as the key ingredient for success, let's take a moment to redefine the narrative. "Confidence, while undoubtedly valuable, isn't always readily available to everyone especially when life is lifing" as my friend Jess Glazer says! It's not a prerequisite for embarking on your journey toward your goals. What truly matters is courage and bravery!

So what is Courage vs. Confidence?

Confidence is the belief in oneself and one's abilities. It's the assurance that you can tackle a task or overcome a challenge. Confidence often stems from past successes, positive feedback, or a strong sense of self.

On the other hand, courage is the willingness to act in spite of fear, uncertainty, or doubt. It's about stepping into the unknown, embracing vulnerability, and pushing past your comfort zone. Courage doesn't require certainty or a track record of success. It thrives in the realm of uncertainty.

Three Tips to Cultivate Courage and Kickstart Your Journey

1. Embrace Imperfection: Recognize that perfection is an illusion. Waiting for the perfect moment or conditions to start will only hold you back. Instead, embrace imperfection and understand that growth often happens through trial and error. Allow yourself to make mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

2. Visualize Your Successes: Take a moment to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Imagine the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with it. By visualizing success, you're priming your mind for positive outcomes and reinforcing your belief in your ability to overcome challenges along the way. Along side “visualizing it” also define how it “Feels”

3. Break It Down: Big goals can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination or paralysis. Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps. Focus on what you can do today, this week, or this month to move closer to your aspirations. Celebrate each small victory along the way, knowing that each step forward is a testament to your courage. In Pull-up Revolution we call this the 8 Phase Approach to getting your pull-up breaking down each part of the journey!

Remember, you don't need to be brimming with confidence to take the first step. All you need is a little courage and a willingness to embrace the journey ahead. So, let go of the need for certainty, silence the inner critic, and step boldly into the unknown. Your courage will carry you forward, propelling you toward your dreams.

New Youtube Video

Master Your Pull-up with the 4 Steps to Success


Free Online Pull-Up Workshop

In this free workshop, you'll discover:

⭐️ Why relying on pull-up assistance bands might be hindering your progress. Ever noticed how some people breeze through pull-ups with bands but struggle without them? Let's uncover why.

⭐️ The key elements often overlooked that can drastically improve your pull-up game. These drills and exercises are the real game-changers for faster progress.

⭐️ You're already strong enough to start working on your pull-ups now! You don't need to wait until you've built more upper body strength.

⭐️ The 3 Step Pull-Up Revolution Method, designed specifically for women by a woman. This method, which includes a quick workout, has helped over 500 women of all ages and fitness levels master pull-ups. It's effective, enjoyable, and proven.


Client Wins

Maybe you think you don't have time to workout , get stronger and fitter + get your pull-up!🤷‍♀️

The time you invest in yourself pays back in energy, health and well-being. These elite workouts can be done at home in about 30 minutes 3 or 5 days a week.

Jocelyn didn't know that she would love pull-ups this much or that the workouts would heal her back pain! 😁 Just look at her crushing it!

Contrary to what people think, women ABSOLUTELY CAN do pull-ups! Look at Ulli! She is doing it. She is so close and it's only been a few weeks! Go Ulli! You've got this!!!

And, getting your pull-up does something incredible that is more than the pull-up!

⭐ Training for pull-ups makes you stronger

⭐Pull-ups improve grip strength, which equates to a longer lifespan according to the latest research!

⭐Learning a pull-up improves your mindset and strengthens your mind-body connection (which translates to sooooo many things in life).

💪It takes hard work and showing up, but it's also a lot of fun and SOOOO incredibly rewarding!

All you have to do is START and you will see. Join Pull-up Revolution today! 💪❤



These are a few of my favorite things

Check out the products I use daily and those that have made tremendous impact in my life! I hope they'll help you too! From Supplements, Books, Toe Spacers, to Equipment, Redlight, Protein Drinks & More! 


Welcome my NEW Sponsor @drinkpwrlift 

Join the Hyrox Ladies Heat in Austin here! 

We talk a lot about important of protein a lot especially for females. WELL this drink has 10g of protein AND electrolytes! So it is a way healthier version of Gatorade AND has that additional protein that all you ladies are needling! So swap this for gatorade, powerade any of those super processed artificial drinks for something that taste just as good and is WAYY better for you! 

For 20% off your Order! Use Code: AGARGANO20

Grab your Drinks Here! 

Joi Wellness Smart Supplements

I used to have a TON of supplement bottles... and I was taking a ton of stuff I "thought" I needed...until now.. I am pumped that I found Joiwellness! 

1-First you get your blood taken (you can do this at a local lab corp)

2-Then they do a full reading on all your levels! I got a FULL panel so I could see hormones, nutritions etc that I needed! 

3-THEN over a virtual Zoom call a doctor goes over your panel WITH you so you can understand what is going on in your body!

4-Then they create CUSTOM supplements based on what YOU need! 

They come in this cute little packet sot they are easy to travel with and it makes taking your supplement so easy so you CAN stay consistent with it! 

Anyways they are doing a 20% off sale side wide! Use my link below and CODE: BETTERYOU2024! 

Click here to try



So you might be seeing me post a lot about Memore green powder lately! And that's because its not only an amazing quality green product but it also has 100% Serving of Greens (most products only have 25%), it taste great warm & cold AND... DRUM ROLL PLEASE.. its actually affordable lol most green packets are so expensive its annoying haha 

Use Code: ANGELA for a discount 




Slate Milk 

You might see me drinking Slate Milk on my Stories on Instagram! I am OBSESSED! I am currently LOVING the Vanilla Latte AND French Vanilla Flavor! 

20g of Protein in each can so it's perfect to hit those protein goals! 


for 15% OFF your Order

Click Here


Had a LOT of request from you all about the Strong Feel Good Merch! 

Use Code: JUSTBECAUSE for 10% OFF 

Sale Ends March 7th 

Hoodies, Tanks, Shirts 


Oura Ring! 

I have been using it to track my sleep, my HRV and also help with tracking my cycle. So many people are DIFFERENT with their energy levels and readiness! You can use this as data to determine what would be best for you specifically! I think it's much better than the Whoop! I think right now they have $50 off their Rose Gold Ring!  

Click Here

Pull-up Bar, Bands, Liquid Chalk 

I keep getting asked about the equipment I use for pull-up! My at home bar is affordable, easy to use and sturdy! I also have a great recommendation for Assisted Pull-up Bands & Liquid Chalk! 

You can check them out by Clicking here


Pre-Order this book from my friend Dr. Gabrielle Lyons! 

Dr. Lyons offers an easy-to-follow food, fitness, and self-care program anchored in evidence and pioneering research that teaches you how to optimize muscle—no matter your age or health background. Discover how to overcome everything from obesity to autoimmune disorders and avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and diabetes by following Dr. Lyon’s powerful new approach to becoming forever strong.

Get the book


For any of my COACHES on here! STOP USING excel Spread sheets! I've been using TrueCoach for my clients programing since 2018 and its a GAME CHANGER 

CLICK HERE to try it for 14 Days FREE and get $50 off your first month if you decide to sign-up! 



TOE Spacers 

I have Bunions...gross right? These toe spacers are great! I wear them every morning to help keep my toes in alignment and prevent and other issues! Its basically like a retainer for your toes! 

Get ya Some Toe Spacers

Code: ANGELA393

 Red Light Therapy! 

Here is the Red light I am currently using! I will post more on benefits soon! 

I particular use it to help with my circadian rhythm! It also has anti-inflammatory and anti aging properties! 


Click Here


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