What About the In Between?

podcast Mar 23, 2025

I had one of those weeks. You know the kind—where everything you've been working on falls apart, and you feel like an absolute failure. I was sitting in my office, staring at the remnants of a project that completely flopped despite all my hard work, and I felt that familiar wave of disappointment wash over me.

But instead of spiraling, I stopped. I sat down and reflected on all the other times I've face-planted (sometimes literally) in my life. Like when I tore my ACL on American Ninja Warrior after training for years to get there. Or when I realized my gym wasn't financially sustainable despite the countless late nights I'd put into it.

Each time I thought my world was ending, but each time I got back up—and came back stronger.

That's when I remembered the quote that changed everything for me: "When one door closes, another one opens, but no one talks about the hallway in between." We're all familiar with those hallway moments—when one chapter has ended, but the next hasn't begun....

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Navigating the Hallway of Uncertainty

podcast Mar 19, 2025

I'm coming to you today from the middle of what I call an "oh shit moment." You know the feeling—when everything you've been working toward seems to crumble right in front of you. My latest project completely flopped, and if I'm being honest, I feel like I'm failing big time.

But I stopped. I sat myself down and reflected on all the other times in my life when I felt exactly like this. The moments where I face-planted so hard in front of people and wasn't sure if I would ever get back up.

And you know what I realized? I always get back up. Every. Single. Time. Not only that, I always come back 10 times stronger.

The Hallway Between Doors

There's this quote that changed my perspective: "When one door closes, another one opens, but no one talks about the hallway in between."

Right now, I'm in that hallway—the space between an ending and a new beginning. It's dark. I can't see the light ahead, and every step feels like I'm making things harder. But I've learned that the hallway is...

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No One is Coming to Save You

podcast Mar 19, 2025

Have you ever caught yourself waiting for someone or something to come along and fix everything? I know I have. But here's the truth I've learned that changed everything for me: nobody is coming to save you. This might sound harsh at first, but it's actually the most liberating realization I've ever had.

The Moment of Truth

I remember sitting in my apartment after another crushing setback, feeling completely defeated. I was waiting for that perfect opportunity, that one person who would recognize my potential, or that lucky break that would catapult me to success. Then it hit me – I was the hero I had been waiting for all along.

This realization didn't come easily. It came after years of setbacks, tears, and wondering "why me?" But once I embraced this truth, everything shifted. I stopped being a passenger in my own life and grabbed the steering wheel.

You Are the Hero of Your Own Journey

Think about your favorite movies or books. The hero always faces challenges – that's what ...

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Living Your Life by Design

podcast Mar 19, 2025

Are you consciously creating your future or simply reacting to whatever life throws your way? I believe that "If you're not living your life by design, you are living your life by default."

This idea, inspired by my close friend Jodie Cook's book "Stop Acting Like You're Going to Live Forever," challenges us to take control of our narrative rather than letting circumstances dictate our path.

What Does Living By Default Mean?

Living by default means you're merely reacting to situations instead of creating them. It's falling into routines, letting others' opinions dictate your choices, and staying stuck in patterns that don't serve you. It's the path of least resistance—and often, least fulfillment.

The Power of Intentional Living

When you live by design, you step into the driver's seat of your life. You create a roadmap, decide how you want to feel, what you want to achieve, and how you'll get there. This doesn't mean everything will go perfectly—setbacks are inevitable—but you'...

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How Taking Delusional Action Changed My Life

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2025

The Power of Delusional Action

Ever feel like you’re waiting for the perfect moment to start? Like you’ll take action once you feel ready?

What if I told you that you’ll never feel fully ready—and that’s exactly why you need to start before you are?

This week, we’re diving into taking delusional action. Not just any action—the kind that defies logic, pushes past doubt, and gets you moving even when you don’t have all the answers yet.

What Is Delusional Action?

You ever catch yourself stuck in your head? Overthinking every scenario, spiraling into worst-case thinking, convincing yourself that something is impossible before you even try?

And then before you know it, days, weeks, months go by and
 you haven’t moved.

Here’s the truth:

💡 Motion creates momentum.
💡 Movement disrupts doubt.
💡 Taking action—even when it feels a little crazy—is the only way forward.

Let’s talk about what delusional action really means.

👉 Delusional action is taking steps before you feel fully ready.
👉 It...

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Introducing What if It All Goes Right

podcast Mar 12, 2025

Today marks an exciting new chapter in my podcasting journey. I'm thrilled to announce that my podcast, formerly known as "Strong Feels Good," is evolving into something that better captures the essence of my mission. Welcome to "What If It All Goes Right?"

Why the Change?

You might be wondering why I've decided to rebrand a podcast that has been at the heart of so much of my journey. The truth is, while physical strength has always been important to me, my mission has always encompassed something greater. I've realized that what we talk about here goes far beyond just feeling strong.

My goal has always been to help you break through obstacles—those mental, emotional, and physical walls that hold you back—and empower you to live boldly, confidently, and authentically. This podcast is about asking better questions and choosing to see possibilities instead of limitations.

A Perspective That Changed My Life

This shift in perspective has guided me through my own challenges:

When I...

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This is for you if you feel like quitting

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2025

Your Pep Talk for the Hard Days

Ever feel like you’re stuck? Like no matter how hard you try, you’re not seeing the results you want? This week’s newsletter is for YOU.

You are not failing.
You are not behind.
You are not stuck.

This week, we’re flipping the script on self-doubt and pushing forward—even when it feels impossible. Because what if everything you’re going through right now is actually setting you up for something even bigger?

🕒 Read time: 5-7 min
đŸ’Ș Actionable Steps: YES—your personal pep talk + a challenge to reframe your wins
đŸ”„Â Free Workout: I have a follow along Core Workout for ya Today ;) 
🚀 Exciting Announcements: Pull-Up Revolution Enrollment is OPEN this is the program that has helped thousands of women 30+ conquer their first pull-up in just WEEKS, my Podcast is coming soon, and I’m booking speaking events for 2025!

Your Pep Talk for the Hard Days

Let’s take a breath.

No, seriously. Pause and take a deep breath in
 and out.

I know things might feel overwhelmin...

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How to See What’s Been There All Along

Uncategorized Mar 04, 2025

This Week: Shifting Your Perspective—Seeing What’s Been There All Along

Have you ever stepped outside after a stressful few days and suddenly, everything looks different? The sky seems bluer, the air feels fresher, and you notice the birds flying in a way you hadn’t before.

But the truth is—the world didn’t change. You did.

This week, we’re diving into how our perspective shapes our reality and why sometimes, the biggest shift we need isn’t in our circumstances—it’s in how we see them.

🕒 Read time: 5-7 min
đŸ’Ș Actionable Steps: Yes!
đŸ”„Â Workout: Free "Your First Pull-up Training" + LIVE Workshop Happening this Week! 
🚀 Exciting Announcements: I want YOU to help shape what’s coming next. Plus, I’m officially booking 2025 speaking engagements!

When the World Looks Different—But Nothing Has Changed

It’s so interesting when you finally step out of fight-or-flight mode. You know the feeling—when you’ve been in your head, stuck in a loop, convinced that everything is going wrong. And then, ...

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Resilience-It’s Not a Superpower, It’s a Skill

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2025

This Week: Resilience—It’s Not a Superpower, It’s a Skill

Most people think resilience is about being unshakable, fearless, and tough. But real resilience? It’s messy. It’s raw. And it’s something you build—not something you’re born with.

This week, we’re talking about how you can cultivate true resilience, how radical adaptability will help you navigate any challenge, and why the hardest moments in life might just be preparing you for something even greater.

🕒 Read time: 5-7 min
đŸ’Ș Actionable Steps: Yes!
đŸ”„Â Workout Challenge: Even Better than a Free Workout.. Here's a 7 Day Free Trial of Our New Strong Feels Good Program that starts today! Link will be provided below! 
🚀 Exciting Announcements: So many exciting new things! My Podcast will be launching in a few weeks, so stay close! I am booking Speaking Events for 2025! So if you know anyone or conference looking for a bad ass female speaker in 2025, Reply to this email! 

Resilience: The Skill No One Taught You

People hear the word ...

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Rewiring Your Brain for ‘What If It All Goes Right?’

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2025

Rewiring Your Brain for ‘What If It All Goes Right?’

Why is it that we default to thinking about worst-case scenarios? Why do our brains automatically jump to “What if it all goes wrong?” instead of “What if it all goes right?”

This week, we’re diving into why our brains are wired for negativity, how that survival mechanism no longer serves us, and—most importantly—how we can retrain our minds to focus on what’s actually going RIGHT.

🕒 Read time: 5-7 min
đŸ’Ș Actionable Steps: Yes!
đŸ”„Â Workout Challenge: A 20-minute Core + Mobility Routine you can follow along with!
🚀 Exciting Announcements: What’s next after Pull-Up Revolution? A free class invite just for you!

Why We Default to ‘What If It All Goes Wrong’

We’ve all been there—waiting for something big to happen, but instead of trusting the process, our minds spiral into every possible way things could go wrong. And it’s not just you.

Our brains are literally wired for survival, not happiness.

This is called the negativity bias, and ...

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