I am retiring from Ninja Warrior..

Uncategorized Jul 30, 2024

I have some big news to share with you all. Last week, I made the decision not to submit for American Ninja Warrior this year. After six amazing seasons of competing, I decided that this chapter of my life has closed. So, in today’s newsletter, I want to reflect on my Ninja Warrior endeavors, what I’ve learned, and what’s next for me.

So many of you ask me, “Angela, how did you even get on to American Ninja Warrior? What was that process like?” The truth is, it was a total accident. My friend was trying out for the show, and I didn’t want to step on her toes and try out also. But someone else said, “Angela, you would be perfect!” After a ton of convincing, I decided to make a video. You can watch it here if you’re curious: Watch my ANW audition video.

I then randomly got called a few weeks later saying, “YOU ARE ON AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR.” I remember thinking it was a spam number and being in disbelief that I got on!

I was NOT trained in Ninja, so I literally had a short time to jus...

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Get a pull-up by your next birthday! (6 week workout plan for women!)

pull-ups Jul 23, 2024

If you're aiming to achieve your first pull-up, especially if you’re setting a goal like getting there by your birthday, this guide is for you. Pull-ups are a fantastic full-body exercise, engaging not just your shoulders and arms but also your back, core, and glutes. This step-by-step plan will help you build the strength and confidence needed to nail your first pull-up.

Step 1: Understanding the Process

Achieving a pull-up is not just about sheer strength. It’s about technique, consistency, and proper progression. Start by acknowledging that this journey requires dedication and a structured plan. You wouldn't fly a plane without a flight plan, so treat your fitness journey with the same respect.

Step 2: Setting the Foundation

Warm-Up and Mobility

Begin each session with a good warm-up and mobility routine. This not only prepares your muscles for the workout but also helps prevent injuries. Focus on exercises that enhance your shoulder mobility, as tight shoulders can hinder y...

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I almost died during an all out mile 😅

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

So... I almost died during an all-out mile…😅

Okay, that's exaggerating, but kind of…and it was pretty embarrassing. Let me explain.

As many of you know, I've been known for my athletic achievements. As a 6x American Ninja Warrior, Miss Fitness America 2016, and a college gymnast, people often look at me and say, "Damn, she's fit. This must be so easy for her."

Well, those titles only tell part of the story. For me, I've never been the person who was just "naturally talented." I didn’t just wake up and become a Ninja Warrior or win a fitness competition. I had to work my ass off, putting in hours and hours each week to see results. I had to push past costume malfunctions, a broken foot, tearing my ACL, and so much more.

My success wasn't due to natural talent; it was because of my resilience and refusal to give up when things got hard.

But there's one thing I still haven't been able to crack all these years: running. 🏃‍♀️

It all started in elementary school when I couldn’t run a m...

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I Couldn't Afford It – But It Changed Everything!

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2024

This week, I took a huge leap of faith and went to a business workshop in Vegas where I was surrounded by extremely successful entrepreneurs! ✨ I’m not going to lie…I couldn’t “afford” to be in the room…but when I was asked to do it, I KNEW that if I could be in the room with others who were where I want to be, it would be so beneficial.

💡 Realization: When you are trying to do it ALL on your own, piecing things together to make it work, it can be a frustrating and lonely place. I knew that being in the room with others who have endured hardships and “figured it out” would be a game-changer for me. But I really didn’t have the money, which I was almost embarrassed about. I was sure most of these business owners could afford this workshop with no problem.

And then I realized that the reason they were this successful was because they took chances on themselves. They PUT themselves in rooms with people who had been there, done that. 🚀

Decision: As scary as it was, I took the leap and “...

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My Winning Weekly Routine: Getting Back into My Groove 🏆

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2024

Over the past few months, I've been re-finding myself and getting back on a schedule that truly works for me. After living with a partner for about a year, I found myself constantly adjusting to his schedule and losing sight of what actually works for me. Finally, after being single and on my own for a few months, I feel like I'm getting back into my groove, re-learning the way I like to do things, and rediscovering parts of myself that I had forgotten.

I wanted to share some of the things I've been doing that are working for me, in case you want to try them too!

Sunday Planning Sessions 🗓️

First thing is planning my week on Sunday. I had gotten out of the habit of doing this fully. Now, on Sunday, the first thing I do is plan my personal and self-care activities. WHY? Because everything else can and will become a priority, but what's actually more important is taking care of me. If I do that, I will show up better for EVERYTHING—my clients, my Pull-up Revolution students, my Strong...

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A PAWTY and a Pep Talk: What My Dog Taught Me About Self-Talk

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2024

This week was extra special because my dog, Pepper, celebrated her 1st birthday! 🎉 Losing my cat Felix back in 2021 after 18 wonderful years was heartbreaking. I knew I wanted to get a dog eventually, but it wasn’t until this year that I felt ready. When I went to pick out my doggie, I just knew that SHE was the one! Pepper was a little bossy, confident, and had the biggest smile. Since then, I've become a crazy dog mom. 🐶

Pepper has brought so much joy into my life, filling a void I hadn't realized was so deep. She's taught me and helped me in so many ways. Thanks to her, I now get 10,000 steps in daily without even thinking about it, as we enjoy multiple walks each day. She even helps me break my phone habit by literally knocking it out of my hand! And if I'm stressed, she’ll drop to her back for a belly rub, and suddenly, everything feels better. 💖

We celebrated her birthday with a pool PAWTY, inviting all her friends. It was way cooler than any human birthday party, haha! 🎂

A Le...

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🤸🏻‍♀️ 90 days to learn a flip: how we made it happen!

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2024

Flipping Out on Stage 🤸🏻‍♀️

So, how did I randomly start coaching someone to flip on a stage when I am a pull-up coach and speaker, and not technically a “flipping coach”?

Well, I got tagged in a post from @amyjomartin saying she was looking for a “flipping coach” in Austin, TX. As soon as I saw it, I just KNEW I had to message her immediately and dig deeper. I wanted to know: what kind of flip? Where are you doing it? How long do you have to get it? After chatting, we decided it would be best to meet up at her house to start the journey.

So, we met up IRL, and we immediately hit it off. As two high-achieving women with high energy, always wanting to be creative and embrace new challenges, I quickly realized that this wasn’t just going to be a "teach you how to flip and see you later” opportunity. This was going to be a lifelong friendship. Amy speaks at tons of conferences, is a CEO of a company called Renegade Global, a mom, and with all those responsibilities, it can be tough to ...

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The One Thing Holding You Back from Getting Your First Pull-Up

pull-ups Jun 19, 2024

Have you ever felt frustrated trying to get your first pull-up? You're not alone. You've been working on the assisted pull-up band, maybe even with a trainer, yet whenever you attempt that unassisted pull-up, you just can't seem to get anywhere. This post will explain why this is happening and provide key takeaways that you can start using today to get one step closer to achieving your pull-up goals.


Who is Angela Gargano and Why Should You Trust Her?

My name is Angela Gargano. I'm the creator of Pull-Up Revolution, a program that has helped over 500 women conquer their first pull-up in record time. I created this program specifically for women because I noticed a lack of effective resources available to help them achieve this goal. Since 2018, Pull-Up Revolution has successfully assisted countless women in reaching their pull-up ambitions.


Mindset Matters

Before we dive into the technical aspects of achieving a pull-up, let's talk about mindset. If you approach the pull-u...

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You need some healthy tension.. 😧

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2024

I want to share all about my birthday adventure last week. If you didn’t see, I turned 34 years old on June 1st, and all I REALLY wanted to do was go surfing—one of my favorite activities—and hang out with safari animals! Yes, we did ALL of that in the middle of Texas. 🏄‍♀️🦓🦒

Surfing has been one of my favorite activities for the past few years. I mostly enjoy “wake surfing,” which is surfing behind a boat that generates a wave. We have a few nice lakes here in Austin to do that! But this time, I wanted to go somewhere different. So, I headed to Waco, Texas, which is about 1.5 hours outside Austin and the same distance from Dallas, Texas, if for some reason that’s where you are from. In Waco, there is a place called “Waco Surf,” where they literally simulate real waves in a giant pool! It’s pretty much the most unreal thing you might ever see! 🌊🤯

I brought three of my friends, April, Nikki, and Marissa, and we all had the best time riding the waves, cooling off in the water (because ...

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Jodi tells me to put some pants on and stop looking cheap... 😳

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2024

So the other day, I woke up to an email from Jodi...

For context, Jodi had signed up for one of my Free Pull-up Workshops, which I host every month. I pour hours of work into these to ensure you can achieve your first pull-up.

Jodi's response to my initial email was harsh.💔 As someone who has been in this industry for years, I occasionally receive messages like this. While I could let it slide, I felt the need to respond because if Jodi is sending such messages to me, she's likely doing it to others as well. Here’s the response that my wing woman Sarah and I crafted:

**My Response to Jodi**

I've had time to think and reflect on this message. I want you to know that there is a real person behind this email, not a bot that you can reply mean things to, thinking it will disappear into the abyss.

 "I'm sorry you take offense to the fact that I teach my classes from my home with a door frame pull-up bar. As a small business owner, I don't have the luxury of renting or owning a gym sp...

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