Einat is 43 years old and though originally from Israel, she and her world-traveling family have lived in Guatemala for the last 6 years. She’s a mother of 3 girls, aged 16, 13, and 8, and they are all homeschooled (and multilingual)!
Einat used to work out in the gym and do Zumba 3-4 times a week until Covid arrived, and she and her husband had to work out from home. She discovered Angela through the Women’s Health Magazine instagram workouts and fell in love with the energy and workouts. She signed up for Full-Body Revolution and it gave her the structure and the consistency she needed. She and her daughters then signed up for Core Revolution and did the program together as a family.
Eventually after working her way through the DIY programs, Einat signed up for the Strong Feels Good VIP program which has given the accountability and motivation she needed to stay on track.
With the app, Angela is there with her every step of the way so that Einat...
Hey Crew! Welcome to our very FIRST Warrior of the Week.
This week, we are featuring the AMAZING Kimba!
Kimba is 61 years old and is originally from Cape Cod, MA. She lived in NYC for 21 years working as an actress and model, but now she lives in Naples, FL and works as a personal trainer and pilates instructor.
Yes, sometimes personal trainers need personal trainers too.
When Kimba joined my Full Body Revolution program in June, she realized just how deconditioned she was. She started lifting 10lb dumbbells, and has worked her way up to 15 and 17.5lbs. Kimba was also able to get her first pull-up at the age of 61!
She's learned how to make time for her workouts, and listen to her body. The SFG community has helped keep her accountable and always feel support, both from the other members and from Angela! Kimba truly started seeing her biggest changes, strength-wise, after joining the VIP program.
Kimba's goals are to add cardio, and to keep going with her program.
How has Kimba...
My arms are “flabby”… is one of the comments I hear from women. They then grab their skin on their arm and pull it..
I’ve literally had my personal arms grabbed in public with people asking me.. how did you get your arms to look like that? Which is funny because I used to hide my arms and be made fun of for them…. but thats another story.
So let’s talk about how to tone up these arms!
Few things to think about before we get to the exercises:
1- Are you ACTUALLY engaging your arm muscles when you are working them?! Seriously, especially for things like bicep curls, tricep dips I tend to see a lot of bad form that leads you to not actually engage the right muscles and instead your back or your shoulders.
2- YOU NEED TO BE CONSISTENT.. seriously you can’t just do a few dips or a few bicep curls and think that over night you are going to see a difference, you need to stick to a...
How do you get rid of stubborn low belly fat?!
I’ve been asked this questions SO many times within the past few weeks so I wanted to do ALL I could to help you out with this one
So many factors are to be taken into account when we talk about “stubborn lower belly fat” & it doesn’t JUST have to do with working out.
Here are a few:
Nutrition: Are you giving your body the nutritions it needs? Are you eating enough… ?
Stress: If you are stressed about life OR not giving yourself enough rest and over training this could cause your body to hold onto water, hold fat and bloat you in that area. Stress does A LOT to our bodies
Exercise: Are you on a structure program and making sure you are ACTUALLY activating your core when you are working out? Are you being consistent?
Water Consumption: Are you drinking enough water? This helps digestion of food, removes toxins and helps burn fat.
Hormones: decreased estrogen levels...
Yeah you read that right …before you say anything let me explain…
So you are CRUSHING your assisted pull-ups but as soon as you take the band away… nothing.. can’t do it..you feel like you are strong enough but it’s NOT HAPPENING..wtf… why is that?
Ready for this… Doing assisted pull-ups gets you better at one thing… doing more assisted pull-ups…
And what most people don’t know that that bands and machine give you the MOST assistance at the BOTTOM of the pull-up.
Since we are constantly getting help at the bottom your body never learns how to engage your lat’s from a dead hang..
And guess where most people are stuck.. you guested it.. the bottom.
So what can we do to help this and finally make it happen.
Learn to how to recruit and effectively engage your lats.
Which means doing Drills for the...
Ten Drills to Help you Conquer a Handstand
First thing is FIRST make sure you are warming up the wrists and shoulders I like the good old spaghetti, meatballs, sauce sha-bang…effective and sounds delicious..if you don't know what I am talking about be sure to watch the full video ;)
6 Basic Moves to know if you are NEW to the gym
The gym can be an intimidating place, especially if you are new to it. Not only do you get anxiety from being surrounded by so many people but you feel insecure that you are doing the moves wrong and that everyone is looking at you.
That's why I put this together. If you can master and understand these 6 moves it will help you understand so many other aspects of fitness. You will then feel more confident when entering a gym setting and ready to attack your goals!
Elbow Plank:
This is a great core exercise that is used in SO many other aspects of fitness. So important for you to master and understand it!
Tips for modifications:
8 Exercises to Improve your Grip Strength!
So you are so pumped to get your first pull-up BUT….your hands literally slide right off the bar!
This is extremely common which is why it's super important to work on grip strength drills. There are a TON of different ways to do this! But I put together some of my favorites below!
This question comes up all the time. So this will go over a few different ways you can put your hands while doing a pull-up & also go over WHAT each grip specifically works.
Also …the controversial question of thumbs around or over the bar? Which is better? What does it do?
Thumbs over or Under the bar ?
This sometimes feels like a controversy..but it’s not! You literally can do either over or under the bar but both have different benefits. So I suggest you do a little bit of both honestly…but again lots of controversy here, let me talk about what the benefits of both are!
Thumbs Around the Bar:
Allows for better lat engagement and easier transitions into muscles ups. It also can be used if you are doing a lot of pull-ups and start losing grip strength and sliding off the bar.
Wrapping keeps the shoulders slightly externally rotated and more engaged and can create a stronger pulling platform.
Thumbs Over...
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