🥳 30 Day Core Revolution Challenge Starts April 3rd! Sign-up Today!: https://www.angela-gargano.com/core-revolution
Day 7 Core Challenge
The “plank oblique series” The “love handles” the “muffin top” I honestly hate both of these names lol but that’s what you hear when you think of “obliques” or the side core area. First things first, you cannot “spot train” these areas…but we can work on strengthening them & it’s important to do so because this allows us to rotate our body effectively.
You know when you’re in your car and you have to reach behind you to grab something …”obliques” Anyways ! Here’s todays core challenge.
Plank Hip Taps x 10
Lean Rock Middle x 10
Lean Side Rocks x 10es
How many rounds did you get?!
PS: My 30 Day Core challenge starts April 3rd 🥰 30 days of core, prizes, & nutrition coaches ! Plus you get lifetime access to the program ! You in?!? Comment “core” below I’ll send ya deets #abs #abworkout #corechallenge
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