🌟 34 Lessons I Learned from the Past Years 🌟

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2024

No, I'm not 34 years old yet! πŸŽ‰ Where has time gone? I remember thinking that by 30, I needed to have everything figured out. I thought I would feel tired and old. But each year in my 30s, I've felt better and better in my body and mind. I'm clear on my direction and mission, I have an epic group of friends that support me, I live in a place I love (Austin, TX), and I've lived many different lives to get to this point. I'm no longer fearful of change or reinventing myself if needed.

So, I want to share 34 lessons I've learned in my 34 years!

If one or all resonate with you, feel free to send me a message! And if you want to support my program, buy a program— they are 34% off until Monday night, and this $$ goes into my small business to support our MISSION: to help women worldwide become the strongest, most confident versions of themselves. Thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoy these 34 things! πŸ’ͺ

1. **Done is better than perfect**. Stop waiting for the “perfect timing,” get paralyzed by fear, and just GO FOR IT! Rip the band-aid off, and if you FAIL, that’s okay. It’s only a true FAIL if you don’t get started. βœ…

2. **Dogs are the Universe’s gift to humans**. Seriously, nothing compares to the never-ending love a dog gives you. So if you're thinking about getting a dog, do it! 🐢

3. **"Wherever you go, there you are"**. After traveling so much and sometimes trying to run away from my problems, I realized that wherever I went, my problems didn’t go away. By taking time to do the inner work and really dig deep into my root beliefs, now travel is no longer an escape! ✈️

4. **Your intuition is always right**. We, as women, have this intuition or “gut feeling.” We know when things are right, and we know when things are wrong. The question is, will you listen to it? Because so many times, I have ignored it and later realized I knew all along. So LISTEN. πŸ‘‚

5. **Instead of thinking of something as the END, think of it as a new beginning**. My recent breakup taught me a lot, and although I grieved, I shifted my perspective into seeing it as a NEW beginning. I learned a lot about myself through it and didn’t leave the same person—I left with amazing lessons. πŸ’”βž‘οΈπŸŒŸ

6. **Don’t chase…attract**. The more you try and CHASE something, whether it be a guy or money, the more it won’t be aligned. Instead, BE the person you want to attract. Want more money? BE the person that shows up each day knowing they will make it. How do they act? How do they feel? Instead of chasing after a guy, be the most confident version of yourself, knowing that if that person wants to be with you, they will come back over and over with no doubt. ✨

7. **Balance is important**. In Austin and honestly on social media, I’ve noticed a ton of EXTREMES. All in on bio-hacking, health, or partying. Life is a balance. Do those healthy habits, go to bed early most nights, but don’t be scared to LIVE! That’s why we are here on this earth, right? Stay up late one night, have a little wine, eat your favorite ice cream. If your HEALTH goals are holding you back from living and having you hiding inside your house...is that really living? Just a thought. βš–οΈ

8. **Not every year is supposed to feel like “Summer”**. Life has its seasons, and not the weather kind. For the past two years, I’ve been in a bit of a Winter, fine-tuning and understanding what I want and what kind of business I want. Now, I have arrived at Summer. Where all the preparation is flowing into action. Think about it—plants need winter to rest, and then they SPRING up in the next season. These “Winter Seasons” are important. β„οΈβž‘οΈπŸŒž

9. **The universe will bring you things when you are ready for them**. This year, I wanted to up my speaking game. I finally got multiple paying speaking gigs and refined my talk over and over. Then Amy Jo Martin entered the chat—she’s a top speaker, podcast host, and owner of Renegade Global. She wanted to learn a flip to do in her talk! The universe not only helped me use my skills but also aligned us as friends. Now, I’m supporting her live at her big talk, and this summer, she’s helping me get on bigger stages to spread my message. 🌟🎀

10. **If the same thing keeps happening, it’s because you haven’t learned your lesson**. Hard to hear, but when I kept seeing a repeat of something, I had to stop and say, “OKAY, what is it that I keep doing, and how CAN I make changes?” Truly taking responsibility and ownership. ☝️

11. **Weddings are epic**. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in a close friend’s wedding. I wasn’t sure how I felt about them, but it was wonderful to see my close friend so in love, supported, and celebrating her and her hubby. So, I am a fan of weddings. πŸ’’

12. **If you keep waking up and imagining the best version of yourself and your “perfect” life, it eventually will happen**. You have to be a little CRAZY each day and TRULY BELIEVE this is possible. πŸ™Œ

13. **Communication is the key to successful relationships**. πŸ§‘‍🀝‍πŸ§‘

14. **Animals shake it out to “RESET”**. So next time you aren’t feeling great, try it. It will help you too. 🐾

15. **Clean house, clean mind**. Messy house, messy mind. A clean space will help you be more focused and less distracted. 🧹

16. **Feeling frustrated, mad? Having a bad day? Take a break, walk away, take a nap, go for a walk**. Sometimes we create a picture in our mind that isn’t reality, so zooming out helps. Break, then zoom back in to see and be clear on what is actually happening. 🌳

17. **Focus on ONE thing at a time**. “You can do it all, but not right now.” I always felt like if I didn’t do something right this very second, it could never happen. But the truth is, you CAN do all the things, just one at a time! Not only will you succeed faster, but it will also be less stressful. ⏳

18. **You don’t need to be good at everything**. It’s been a hard message in business, but when you find the right people, it’s so important to delegate the things you aren’t great at. πŸ‘Œ

19. **For a lot of my business, I was always in a scarcity mindset, trying to get clients to make a living**. When I reframed my business, made it ALL about the Mission, created a team culture that felt like family, we not only 4x the business but made a MASSIVE impact on women worldwide. All it took was a little shift. 🌎

20. **You’re not too much…they just aren’t the right people**. If anyone ever makes you feel like you are too much, those people are NOT your people. 🚫

21. **True friends will stick by your side during your highs and lows**. They will also call you out when you’re being a little crazy and help you step back into your power. My friend Marissa has seriously changed my life and always brings me back to earth when I’m in my head. πŸ₯Ή

22. **Conspiracy theories aren’t always conspiracies**. I still have a few that I think “could actually” be true, and there’s nothing wrong with asking questions and getting curious about these types of things! πŸ•΅οΈ‍♀️

23. **Writing out 34 lessons is a lot harder than I thought it would be haha! But we are going to do it**. πŸ₯²

24. **Next time you have a negative thought, ask yourself, “Is this thought true?” and then ask yourself who you would be without these thoughts**. The majority of the time, the thought isn’t true. πŸ˜‰

25. **Drinking an iced coffee from a small black straw tastes way better**. Just try it! Shout out to Noble Joe Coffee in Austin for this one! β˜•

26. **Making your bed every day can significantly improve your mood and give you a FIRST win of the day**. Don’t skip it! Make the bed! πŸ›οΈ

27. **The more No’s you get, the closer you are to a YES**. πŸ™†‍♀️

28. **You are MORE than an athlete, a dog mom, a business owner**. Your identity isn’t just ONE thing. Without all those things, you are ENOUGH and perfect just as you are. Don’t let your brain fool you. πŸ˜‰

29. **Growth hurts, physically and mentally**. Now, when something doesn’t go my way, I take it as an opportunity and ask what it is teaching me. πŸ’Ÿ

30. **You can be a STRONG woman and still “cry” and have feelings**. Sometimes I tried to force myself not to FEEL when a hard time was happening. But you can FEEL everything you need to feel, just don’t get stuck there. πŸ‘

31. **If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are depressed, you are living in the past**. Don’t forget to live right here in the present moment because that’s all we truly have. πŸ₯°

32. **Leaf blowers are still annoying**. Lol. πŸƒ

33. **It’s okay to go to a coffee shop just to see the people**. Lol. β˜•

34. **Last but not least, the 34th lesson is what I will be taking into this year**. I will have UTTER belief in myself. I am READY to step into the version of myself that I have been imagining. I am ready to significantly help thousands of people, get on those big stages, be a LEADER in my team, and still LIVE in the present moment with traveling and so much more. 🌟

Thank you for reading, and I hope these lessons resonate with you! If they do, let me know! And remember, my programs are 34% off until Monday night. Your support helps our mission to empower women worldwide. πŸ’ͺ🌍

Birthday Sale Signature Programs

It's my birthday! Take 34% off my signature fitness programs! πŸ₯³


Client Wins


With the right guidance, everything starts to click!

Jocelyn had ZERO pull-ups when she started. With Pull-Up Revolution's unique, full body approach that targets MOBILITY, STABILITY, and STRENGTH, she got 3 pull-ups in 3 weeks! Look how happy she is!

Give yourself the gift of






When you show up and follow the program, it's only a matter of time before you get that first pull-up! πŸ’ͺ

If you don't believe me, look at Becky, she's crushing it!

When it all starts to come together, our students always say they wished they'd have done it sooner.

So why not you?

What are you waiting for? Let's make your pull-up happen! Join Pull-up Revolution today! πŸ’ͺ❀



These are a few of my favorite things

Check out the products I use daily and those that have made tremendous impact in my life! I hope they'll help you too! From Supplements, Books, Toe Spacers, to Equipment, Redlight, Protein Drinks & More! 


Welcome my NEW Sponsor @drinkpwrlift 

Join the Hyrox Ladies Heat in Austin here! 

We talk a lot about important of protein a lot especially for females. WELL this drink has 10g of protein AND electrolytes! So it is a way healthier version of Gatorade AND has that additional protein that all you ladies are needling! So swap this for gatorade, powerade any of those super processed artificial drinks for something that taste just as good and is WAYY better for you! 

For 20% off your Order! Use Code: AGARGANO20

Grab your Drinks Here! 

Joi Wellness Smart Supplements

I used to have a TON of supplement bottles... and I was taking a ton of stuff I "thought" I needed...until now.. I am pumped that I found Joiwellness! 

1-First you get your blood taken (you can do this at a local lab corp)

2-Then they do a full reading on all your levels! I got a FULL panel so I could see hormones, nutritions etc that I needed! 

3-THEN over a virtual Zoom call a doctor goes over your panel WITH you so you can understand what is going on in your body!

4-Then they create CUSTOM supplements based on what YOU need! 

They come in this cute little packet sot they are easy to travel with and it makes taking your supplement so easy so you CAN stay consistent with it! 

Anyways they are doing a 20% off sale side wide! Use my link below and CODE: BETTERYOU2024! 

Click here to try



So you might be seeing me post a lot about Memore green powder lately! And that's because its not only an amazing quality green product but it also has 100% Serving of Greens (most products only have 25%), it taste great warm & cold AND... DRUM ROLL PLEASE.. its actually affordable lol most green packets are so expensive its annoying haha 

Use Code: ANGELA for a discount 

Link: www.yourmemore.com/angela



Slate Milk 

You might see me drinking Slate Milk on my Stories on Instagram! I am OBSESSED! I am currently LOVING the Vanilla Latte AND French Vanilla Flavor! 

20g of Protein in each can so it's perfect to hit those protein goals! 


for 15% OFF your Order

Click Here


Had a LOT of request from you all about the Strong Feel Good Merch! 

Use Code: JUSTBECAUSE for 10% OFF 

Sale Ends March 7th 

Hoodies, Tanks, Shirts 


Oura Ring! 

I have been using it to track my sleep, my HRV and also help with tracking my cycle. So many people are DIFFERENT with their energy levels and readiness! You can use this as data to determine what would be best for you specifically! I think it's much better than the Whoop! I think right now they have $50 off their Rose Gold Ring!  

Click Here

Pull-up Bar, Bands, Liquid Chalk 

I keep getting asked about the equipment I use for pull-up! My at home bar is affordable, easy to use and sturdy! I also have a great recommendation for Assisted Pull-up Bands & Liquid Chalk! 

You can check them out by Clicking here


Pre-Order this book from my friend Dr. Gabrielle Lyons! 

Dr. Lyons offers an easy-to-follow food, fitness, and self-care program anchored in evidence and pioneering research that teaches you how to optimize muscle—no matter your age or health background. Discover how to overcome everything from obesity to autoimmune disorders and avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and diabetes by following Dr. Lyon’s powerful new approach to becoming forever strong.

Get the book


For any of my COACHES on here! STOP USING excel Spread sheets! I've been using TrueCoach for my clients programing since 2018 and its a GAME CHANGER 

CLICK HERE to try it for 14 Days FREE and get $50 off your first month if you decide to sign-up! 



TOE Spacers 

I have Bunions...gross right? These toe spacers are great! I wear them every morning to help keep my toes in alignment and prevent and other issues! Its basically like a retainer for your toes! 

Get ya Some Toe Spacers


Code: ANGELA393

 Red Light Therapy! 

Here is the Red light I am currently using! I will post more on benefits soon! 

I particular use it to help with my circadian rhythm! It also has anti-inflammatory and anti aging properties! 


Click Here


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