It's been a busy few weeks. I had a week home in Austin and then I got asked to speak at a men's group in Saint George, Utah.
This was my first paid speaking gig since the pandemic. I was so damn excited to get on stage, share my story and provide value to a group of over 60 men.
I flew to Vegas and had to be driven 2 hours to Utah, passing 3 time zones! (Nevada, Arizona then Utah.)
When I arrived, the guys where all doing ice baths and activities to work on themselves to make them better men/humans.
We then got to the house where I would be speaking.
I was definitely nervous, even though I was prepared. And when I got up there, my mouth immediately became dry as I started the talk.
I started off with some questions and then lead into talking about my story on how I became an "accidental ninja"
I honestly didn't even know what the show Ninja Warrior was when I tried out, I just had someone pushing me to try out because they had this insane belief in me.
After getting the call back and learning how to "Ninja" I found 5 Fundamentals that helped a ton:
After walking through all the physical things you need to "ninja," I then talked about the real invisible Ninja Obstacle that no one talks about:
When I tore my ACL, I was the strongest I had ever been on the course, BUT I was tying my entire worth and Identity to being a Ninja, when I am actually much more than that. And so are YOU! Maybe you tie your worth to your business, or being a good parent, or your work... but we are MORE than that.
I was also ignoring the little things because I felt like I was too good for it; skipping warm-ups, and not working on basic movements to have a strong foundation.
So while tearing my ACL totally sucked, it was the wake-up call I needed to grow into a better version of myself and not be tied being an athlete as my identity.
I also realized that just because something happens to you does not mean that has to be the end. YOU and I ultimately control our lives.
"If you're not living your life by design, you are living it by default." - Jodie Cook
YOU get to decide, no on else. How do YOU want to live your life?
Start asking yourself this, start thinking bout it each day.
Some upcoming things:
Coach Angela