I'm sitting in my hotel room in Nashville, feeling inspired after an incredible breathwork session today. You know those moments when clarity just hits you? That's what I want to share with you today—a simple but powerful concept that's been transforming both my clients' journeys and my own: checkpoints.
Here's what I've noticed with the high-achieving women in my programs: They show up consistently for weeks (sometimes getting four workouts in, sometimes only two), but they convince themselves they're not making progress because their consistency wasn't "perfect." Sound familiar?
This is exactly why checkpoints are non-negotiable in my fitness programs. We always begin with a strength test on day one—a practice I started years ago when I was falling out of love with working out. My friend Amanda and I would stay late at my gym and test different movements (kind of like an army PT test). We'd stay consistent with our training and then come back to those same tests weeks later to see our improvement.
The results were always eye-opening. Even when the numbers didn't dramatically change, we could feel the difference in our bodies—movements felt more comfortable, more natural. And on the flip side, when we weren't consistent, those tests made it painfully obvious.
But here's my revelation: This checkpoint system isn't just for fitness. I'm now implementing it in all areas of my life, especially my business goals.
Just last week, I was telling my wing woman Sarah that I didn't think we'd had a great year—that we weren't seeing enough progress. Being the data-driven person she is, Sarah zoomed me out and literally waved her hands in front of me saying, "Angela, we've been doubling!" I was so in the weeds that I couldn't see our actual success.
That's the thing about consistency—it's messy. It doesn't look like those perfect "5 AM routine" posts you see online. Sometimes you nail it, sometimes you don't. What sets you apart is continuing to show up, even when things get tough, even when you allow yourself grace. That's where consistency wins.
But consistency is hard to maintain when you feel like you're not making progress. That's why these checkpoints are so critical. They provide the proof you need—and with proof comes confidence. With confidence comes consistent action. And with action, it keeps you consistent and confident. It's a beautiful loop.
So if you're stuck somewhere in your life right now, I challenge you to figure out what you can measure to track your success. What's working? What isn't? Break it down and simplify. You don't need to obsessively track every day—just establish baselines and check in periodically.
For me, I realized I don't have a money mindset issue—I have a money management issue. I've been in business since 2017, meet with my accountant monthly, and still feel that scarcity. But what I need is better measurement so I can manage it better, gain confidence from seeing proof of progress, and take more consistent action.
Here's your action step: Write down something you could measure better. Draw an arrow from where you are now to where you want to go. Figure out small daily actions to move you closer to that goal. Then, in six weeks, check back in. If you haven't made progress, identify why. If you have (even a little), let that proof fuel your confidence.
Remember, even when things feel like they're going completely wrong, what if it's actually going right?