Core Challenge Day 5 | The Hollow Hold

core Jul 18, 2022



The good old Hollow Hold, I did these in gymnastics and remember dreading them!

But this move is awesome for your core !

I want to teach you HOW to get into this hollow hold position the way I used to teach the gymnastics I used to teach.

  1. Get into a ball
  2. feet off the ground
  3. Place your hands on lap
  4. push them out until your feet and shoulders are off the ground

Today’s Challenge:

30second Hollow Hold

10 Hollow Hold Circles Repeat x 3

Post that you completed on IG stories tag @angela_gargano @strongfeelsgood_


TIP: Can’t go all the way down because you feel in your back?! No worries, just go to the point that you can


30 Day Core Revolution Challenge Starts April 3rd! Sign-up Today!: 

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Core Challenge Day 4 | The Single Leg Stance

core Jul 18, 2022

What does standing on a single leg have to do with core… basically everything…we are constantly in single leg positions and if you can keep your core strong and up right it is a game changer


SO todays Challenge:

  • Stand on Single Leg at 90 degrees for 1 minute see how many times you have to tap (time how long you can stand on each leg, one side will probably be easier than the other)
  • Stand on Single Leg at 90 degress with eyes closed 1 minute see how many times you have to tap(Time how long you can stand on each leg)

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Core Challenge Day 2 | The Bear Hold

core Jul 18, 2022
30 Day Core Revolution Challenge:

Day 2: Bear Hold


So if you watched my last video we reviewed the “deadbug” which has us laying on your back. Now we are going to go into something called a bear hold, which basically flips that deadbug around into what some call an “alive bug” Just like the Deadbug, this might “look” easy but it’s not if you are doing it correctly you should feel this through your entire body. 


Step 1: Table top position (deadbug flipped around) hip aligned with knee, should aligned with wrist. Inhale, exhale squeeze but 


Step 2: Make sure your hands are grabbing on and turning the ground kinda like you are opening a jar of jelly feeling. Back should be flat and like you would be able to hold glass of water on your back. 


Step 3: Now that you have that down you can hoover your knees above the ground push your knees out...

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Core Challenge Day 1 | The Deadbug

core Jul 18, 2022


30 Day Core Revolution Challenge Starts April 3rd! Sign-up Today!: 

 Day 1: Deadbug

The Deadbug, this seemingly simple movement is a GAME changer to get the strong core you are looking for?! Why is that? This movement pushes you to keep your core engaged WHILE moving your arms and legs, which is so important. If you can do this, it translates into everyday life movements.


So Today we will go over how to do the deadbug and give ya a challenge to try with some different variations


Step 1: Lay down on you back, inhale, squeeze your butt exhale making sure that cave in your back disappears


Step 2: Keep that core engaged while moving opposite arms and legs


Today’s Challenge

30seconds Deadbug Hold


10 (each side) Same Side Deadbug Extensions stay on one side then shift to the other


10 (each side) Opposite Arm Opposite Legs Extensions Stay on one side Switch to...

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