I personally wish I found deadlifts sooner...for the longest time I was always ONLY squatting...which lead to my body being SUPER Quad dominate, later this turned into an imbalance that would lead to me tearing my ACL…Â
But anyways!
Let’s talk about FORM
(Reminder I am going over the classic deadlift there are other types of deadlifts you can do)
Feet hip widths apart toes are parallelÂ
Hands shoulder width apart if on barbell or broomÂ
Lock out your lats…yes your arms are NOT just hanging out there! Some people refer to this as putting your “seat belt” on to protect the low back (Watch video I specifically go over what this means)
Booty Pop your butt back meaning hips back first
Slide barbell down the fronts of your thighs...like literally..you should feel it against your thighs as you slide down
You will have a slight bend when you get past your knees remember its NOT a squat